[Global Namespace]
Extends RequiredFields so we can prevent DO writes in AW's controller(s) without needing to catch Exceptions from DO->validate() all over the place.
A base implementation of a queued job that provides some convenience for implementations
Handles actions triggered from external sources, eg emails or web frontend
Handles interactions triggered by users in the backend of the CMS. Replicate this type of functionality wherever you need UI interaction with workflow.
Calculate an Aggregate on a particular field of a particular DataObject type (possibly with an additional filter before the aggregate)
A subclass of Aggregate that calculates aggregates for the result of a has_many query.
Extends {SiteConfig} to allow akismet key to be set via the CMS
Form field to handle akismet error display and handling
Allows akismet to be configured via siteconfig instead of hard-coded configuration
Applies AkismetService to TijsVerkoyen\Akismet\Akismet
Spam protector for Akismet
A class that proxies another, allowing various functionality to be injected.
Lets you wrap a bunch of array data, or object members, into a ViewableData object.
Library of static methods for manipulating arrays.
A list object that wraps around an array of objects or arrays.
AssetAdmin is the 'file store' section of the CMS.
Delete multiple Folder records (and the associated filesystem nodes).
A workflow action that allows additional users or groups to be assigned to the workflow part-way through the workflow path.
Abstract base class for an authentication method
BBCode parser object.
Each BaseElement is wrapped inside a controller in order to provide form submission handling and Link() method support.
BaseHomePage is the basic home page.
BasePage is the foundation which can be used for constructing your own pages.
Description of BaseRunner
Provides an interface to HTTP basic authentication.
A simple authenticator for the Restful server.
Represents a signed 8 byte integer field. Do note PHP running as 32-bit might not work with Bigint properly, as it would convert the value to a float when queried from the database since the value is a 64-bit one.
Blog Holder
A blog category for generalising blog posts.
Adds Blog specific behaviour to Comment.
This class is responsible for filtering the SiteTree when necessary and also overlaps into filtering only published posts.
Enables children of non-editable pages to be edited.
This class is responsible for add Blog specific behaviour to Members.
An individual blog post.
This is responsible for filtering only published posts to users who do not have permission to view non-published posts.
Customise blog post to support comment notifications.
A blog tag for keyword descriptions of a blog post.
Represents a boolean field.
Represents a single link checked for a single run that is broken
Content side-report listing pages with external broken links
Represents a track for a single page
Represents the status of a track run
Content side-report listing pages with broken links
This tasks takes care of republishing pages that has been queues in the StaticPagesQueue.
Holds data about runs from the task BuildStaticCacheFromQueue
Shows and report from the BuildStaticCacheSummary dataobject
Interface for a generic build task. Does not support dependencies. This will simply run a chunk of code when called.
A base for bulk loaders of content into the SilverStripe database.
Encapsulates the result of a BulkLoader import (usually through the BulkLoader->processAll() method).
Custom UploadField used to override Link() and redirect UploadField action properly through the GridField.
A class representing back actions.
Special request handler for admin/batchaction
Archives a page, removing it from both live and stage
Delete items batch action.
Unpublish (delete from live site) items batch action.
Publish items batch action.
Batch restore of pages
Unpublish items batch action.
Deals with special form handling in CMS, mainly around PjaxResponseNegotiator
The main "content" area of the CMS.
Provides the in-cms session re-authentication form for the "member" authenticator
The object manages the main CMS menu. See LeftAndMain::init() for example usage.
A simple CMS menu item.
Provides a security interface functionality within the cms
Base class for filtering the subtree for certain node statuses.
Gets all pages which have changed on stage.
Works a bit different than the other filters: Shows all pages including those deleted from stage and live.
This filter will display the SiteTree as a site visitor might see the site, i.e only the pages that is currently published.
Filters pages which have a status "Deleted".
Filters pages which have a status "Draft".
Filters pages which have a status "Removed from Draft".
CSSContentParser enables parsing & assertion running of HTML content via CSS selectors.
Class to handle parsing of CSV files, where the column headers are in the first row.
Class CWPPageExtension
Class CWPCleanupSiteConfigExtension
A decorator for a Zend_Cache_Backend cache service that mutates cache keys dynamically depending on versioned state
Standard Change Password Form
A Job for running a external link check for published pages
Refresh report job. Runs as a queued job.
Single checkbox field.
Readonly version of a checkbox field - "Yes" or "No".
Displays a set of checkboxes as a logical group.
Provides introspection information about the class tree.
Wipe the cache of failed image manipulations. When GDBackend attempts to resample an image, it will write the attempted manipulation to the cache and remove it from the cache if the resample is successful. The objective of the cache is to prevent fatal errors (for example from exceeded memory limits) from occurring more than once.
An queued job to clean out the QueuedJobDescriptor Table which often gets too full
Base class invoked from CLI rather than the webserver (Cron jobs, handling email bounces).
A basic HTML wrapper for stylish rendering of a developement info view.
Test reporter optimised for CLI (ie, plain-text) output
Represents a single comment object.
Comment administration system within the CMS
Handles polymorphic relation for commentlist
Apply this to a class which may have comments applied to it, and is aware of users who should be notified of such comments
Extension applied to CommentingController to invoke notifications
Apply the spam protection to the comments module if it is installed.
Provides the ability to generate cryptographically secure tokens for comment moderation
Helper Class for storing the configuration options. Retains the mapping between objects which have comments attached and the related configuration options.
Extension to DataObject to enable tracking comments.
A GridFieldBulkActionHandler for bulk marking comments as spam
Base class for creating comparison filters, eg; greater than, less than, greater than or equal, etc
Base class for all fields that contain other fields.
The configuration system works like this:
Two masked input fields, checks for matching passwords.
The most common kind of controller; effectively a controller linked to a DataObject.
Extension to provide a search interface when applied to ContentController
The content negotiator performs "text/html" or "application/xhtml+xml" switching.
CMSPageEditController extension to receive the additional action button from SiteTreeContentReview::updateCMSActions()
This is a helper class which lets us do things with content review data without subsites and translatable messing our SQL queries up.
This extensions add a default schema for new pages and pages without a content review setting.
Daily task to send emails to the owners of content items when the review date rolls around.
Allows the content review module to use the optional queued jobs module to automatically process content review emails. If the module isn't installed, nothing is done - SilverStripe will never include this class declaration.
Description of GroupContentReview.
Task which migrates the ContentReview Module's SiteTree->OwnerID column to a new column name.
Content Widget
Base controller class.
Library of conversion functions, implemented as static methods.
Provides migration from the Translatable module to the Fluent format
A set of static methods for manipulating cookies.
A default backend for the setting and getting of cookies
A simple extension to dropdown field, pre-configured to list countries.
A task that can be used to create a queued job.
Allows input of credit card numbers via four separate form fields, including generic validation of its numeric values.
This is the controller that finds, checks and process all crontasks
Record status of each cron task execution
Utility class to facilitate complex CSV-imports by defining column-mappings and custom converters.
Check links using curl
Represents a decimal field containing a currency amount.
Renders a text field, validating its input as a currency.
Readonly version of a CurrencyField.
Readonly version of a CurrencyField.
Adds new global settings.
CwpAtomFeed class
Customises the comment form to conform to government usability standards
Initialises CWP-specific configuration settings, to avoid _config.php.
Adds field boosting capabilities to fulltext search for pages
Provides interface for generating search results for a SolrIndex
Abstract wrapper for all cwp-core features
Dummy page to assist with display of search results
Description of SearchPageController
Container for a set of search results
Extends {Security} with CWP specific extensions
Extends the site summary report to list the appropriate versions in the report header
CwpSolr configures Solr in a CWP-compatible manner.
Class SolrConfigStore_CWP
Summary report on the page and file counts managed by this CMS.
The CWP theme helper provides some quick helper methods to support the CWP themes
Ensures that the default template is created
Global database interface, complete with static methods.
Represents an object responsible for wrapping DB connector api
Single field in the database.
Represents a floating point field.
Represents a signed 32 bit integer field.
Locale database field, mainly used in Translatable extension.
Builds a SQL query string from a SQLExpression object
Represents and handles all schema management for a database
Class DMSDocumentCart represents the shopping cart.
Class DMSDocumentCartExtension
A document set is attached to Pages, and contains many DMSDocuments
DataObject to store versions of uploaded Documents.
Custom ItemRequest class the provides custom delete behaviour for the CMSFields of DMSDocument
Combines form inputs into a key-value pair
Class DMSRequestItem wrapper which represents a DocumentCartItem
Class DMSSessionBackend represents a Session-storage DMSDocumentCart backend
Handles replacing dms_document_link
shortcodes with links to the actual
Creates default taxonomy type records if they don't exist already
Field for uploading files into a DMSDocument. Replacing the existing file.
Classes that must be run daily extend this class.
Utility class to render views of the differences between two data objects (or two versions of the same data object).
An extension that adds additional functionality to a DataObject.
A DataFormatter object handles transformation of data from SilverStripe model objects to a particular output format, and vice versa. This is most commonly used in developing RESTful APIs.
Implements a "lazy loading" DataObjectSet.
Representation of a DataModel - a collection of DataLists for each different data type.
A single database record & abstract class for the data-access-model.
An object representing a query of data from the DataObject's supporting database.
Represents a subgroup inside a WHERE clause in a DataQuery
This class keeps track of the available database adapters and provides a meaning of registering community built adapters in to the installer process.
DatabaseAdmin class
Check that the connection to the database is working, by ensuring that the table exists and that the table contains some records.
Abstract class for all fields without data.
Represents a date field.
Form field to display an editable date string,
either in a single <input type="text">
or in three separate fields for day, month and year.
Disabled version of DateField.
Preliminary API to separate optional view properties like calendar popups from the actual datefield logic.
The parameters apply in the following preference order:
- Highest priority: Tag & date (or date range)
- Month (and Year)
- Pagination
A composite field for date and time entry, based on DateField} and {@link TimeField.
The readonly class for our DatetimeField.
Supports debugging and core error handling.
A simple helper
A open handler controller for DebugBar
A controller extension to log times and render the Debug Bar
Collects data about SQL statements executed through the DatabaseProxy
A proxy database to log queries (compatible with 3.2+)
Description of DebugBarLeftAndMainExtension
Custom writer for SS_Log
A request filter to log pre request time
The template parser proxy will monitor the templates that are used during a page request. Since the use of the template parser is behind cache checks, this will only execute during a cache flush.
A basic HTML wrapper for stylish rendering of a developement info view.
Represents a Decimal field.
Default method for handling items run via the cron
This extension provides some extra requirements and functionality for the "default" CWP theme. It extends the BasePage_Controller.
An administrative task to delete all queued jobs records from the database.
A job used to delete a data object. Typically used for deletes that need to happen on a schedule, or where the delete may have some onflow affect that takes a while to finish the deletion.
Handles raising an notice when accessing a deprecated method
Base class for development tools.
Class representing a 'diff' between two sequences of strings.
Director is responsible for processing URLs, and providing environment information.
Transformation that disables all the fields on the form.
Extends the original toolbar with document picking capability - modified lines are commented.
Provides a document import capability through the use of an external service.
Utility class hiding the specifics of the document conversion process.
DocumentImportInnerField is built on top of UploadField to access a document conversion capabilities. The original field is stripped down to allow only uploads from the user's computer, and triggers the conversion when the upload is completed.
Runs all jobs through the doorman engine
Dropdown field, created from a select tag.
A dropdown field which allows the user to select a country
A custom rule for showing / hiding an EditableFormField based the value of another EditableFormField.
Specifies that this ends a group of fields
Specifies that this ends a group of fields
Allows a user to add a field that can be used to upload a file.
Represents the base class of a editable form field object like EditableTextField.
Allows an editor to insert a generic heading into a field
A step in multi-page user form
Editable Literal Field. A literal field is just a blank slate where you can add your own HTML / Images / Flash
Creates an editable field that displays members in a given group
Base class for multiple option fields such as EditableDropdownField and radio sets.
Base Class for EditableOption Fields such as the ones used in dropdown fields and in radio check box groups
Image tiles can link to a certain page.
A list contains nested BaseElement such as a list of related files.
Virtual Linked Element.
This class is is responsible for adding objects to another object's has_many and many_many relation, as defined by the RelationList passed to the GridField constructor.
Class to support sending emails.
Text input field with validation for correct email format according to RFC 2822.
Encrypt all passwords
Matches textual content with a substring match on a text fragment leading to the end of the string.
Class Enum represents an enumeration of a set of strings.
Represents a suite of environment checks.
A single set of results from running an EnvironmentCheckSuite
Provides an interface for checking the given EnvironmentCheckSuite.
Class ErrorControlChain
ErrorPage holds the content for the page of an error response.
Enhances error handling for a controller with ErrorPage generated output
Controller for ErrorPages.
The parameters apply in the following preference order:
- Highest priority: Tag & date (or date range)
- Month (and Year)
- Pagination
Selects textual content with an exact match between columnname and keyword.
Checks if a value is in a given set.
Add extension that can be added to an object with Object::add_extension().
Checks that one or more URLs are reachable via HTTP.
Lets you include a nested group of fields inside a template.
A list designed to hold form field instances.
This class handles the representation of a file on the filesystem within the framework.
Checks for the accessibility and file type validation of one or more files or folders.
Checks for the maximum age of one or more files or folders.
Represents a file type which can be added to a form.
Filter certain characters from file name, for nicer (more SEO-friendly) URLs as well as better filesystem compatibility. Can be used for files and folders.
Extension for the File object to add subsites support
Caches the extracted content on the record for the file.
Uses SS_Cache with a lifetime to cache extracted content
Decorate File or a File derivative to enable text extraction from the file content. Uses a set of subclasses of FileTextExtractor to do the extraction based on the content type of the file.
A decorator for File or a subclass that provides a method for extracting full-text from the file's external contents.
This class represents a single version of a file. Each file can have many versions, and one of these is currently active at any one time.
Creates initial version records for File objects that do not have any versioning information. This should be run when the module is first installed in order to bootstrap the version history.
WorkflowApplicable extension specifically for File objects, which don't have the same CMS UI structure so need to be handled a little differently. Additionally, it doesn't really work without custom code to handle the triggering of workflow, and in general is not ready for production use just yet.
Check that the given file is writable.
A collection of static methods for manipulating the filesystem.
A blueprint on how to create instances of a certain DataObject subclass.
Manages a set of database fixtures for DataObject records as well as raw database table rows.
Bootstrapping and configuration object for Fluet localisation
Fluent extension for ContentController
Data extension class for translatable objects
Data extension class for a class which should only be present in one or more locales
Fluent extension for main CMS admin
Data extension for a page which requires locale-specific menu visibility
Provides rewrite of fluent searches for MySQLDatabase
Bug fix for infinite redirect while trying to show a FluentFilteredExtension disabled page.
Fluent initialisation filter to run during director init
Home page controller for multiple locales
Because there is not always an active controller (such as during pre-request filters) FluentSession will ensure the correct session object is injected as necessary
SiteTree extension class for translatable objects
Provides extensions for multilingual views of pages in sitemap.xml
Helper class to validate fluent configuration
Triggers a call to flush() on all implementors of Flushable.
Represents a folder in the assets/ directory.
Represents a TreeDropdownField for folders which remembers the last folder selected
FooterHolder is intended as an invisible container for footer links and pages.
A special type Int field used for foreign keys in has_one relationships.
Base class for all forms.
The action buttons are <input type="submit">
as well as <button>
Accepts form encoded strings and converts them to a valid PHP array via parse_str().
Represents a field in a form.
An extension to the Form class which provides the method enableSpamProtection() helper.
A helper class for managing Form} and {@link FormField HTML template output.
Note that this will cause duplicate and invalid ID attributes.
This class represents "transformations" of a form - such as making it printable or making it readonly.
Provides a front end Form view of the defined Workflow Actions and Transitions
Base class to manage active search indexes.
Filters by full-text matching on the given field.
Provides a simple search engine for your site based on the MySQL FULLTEXT index.
SilverStripe-specific testing object designed to support functional testing of your web app. It simulates get/post requests, form submission, and can validate resulting HTML, looking up content by CSS selector.
This class is maintained for backwards-compatibility only. Please use the GDBackend class instead.
A wrapper class for GD-based images, with lots of manipulation functions.
Iteratively exports GridField data to a CSV file on disk, in order to support large exports.
A job for generating a site's google sitemap
Selects numerical/date content greater than the input
Selects numerical/date content greater than or equal to the input
Adds a component which allows a user to add a new DataObject by database field.
A button which allows objects to be created with a specified classname(s)
This class is is responsible for adding objects to another object's has_many and many_many relation, as defined by the RelationList passed to the GridField constructor.
A modal search dialog which uses search context to search for and add existing records to a grid field.
Used by GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton to provide the searching functionality.
This component provides a button for opening the add new form provided by GridFieldDetailForm.
Builds on the GridFieldEditableColumns component to allow creating new records.
A component which lets the user select from a list of classes to create a new record form.
A custom grid field request handler that allows interacting with form fields when adding records.
Provides a component to the GridField which tells the user whether or not a blog post has been published and when.
Bulk action handler for deleting records.
Bulk action handler for editing records.
Base class to extend for all custom bulk action handlers Gives access to the GridField, Component and Controller and implements useful functions like getRecordIDList()} and {@link getRecords().
Bulk action handler for unlinking records.
Legacy GridFieldBulkImageUpload component.
GridField component for editing attached models in bulk.
GridField component for uploading images in bulk.
Handles request from the GridFieldBulkUpload component.
Adding this class to a GridFieldConfig} of a {@link GridField adds a button row to that field.
Encapsulates a collection of components following the GridFieldComponent} interface. While the {@link GridField itself has some configuration in the form of setters, most of the details are dealt with through components.
A simple readonly, paginated view of records, with sortable and searchable headers.
GridField config necessary for managing a SiteTree object.
GridField config necessary for managing a SiteTree object.
Allows editing of records contained within the GridField, instead of only allowing the ability to view records in the GridField.
Allows viewing readonly details of individual records.
Similar to GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor, but adds features to work on has-many or many-many relationships.
This class is a GridField component that adds a delete action for objects.
Provides view and edit forms at GridField-specific URLs.
Provides the entry point to editing a single record presented by the GridField.
Allows inline editing of grid field records without having to load a separate edit interface.
This class is a GridField component that adds an export action for WorkflowDefinition objects shown in GridFields.
Adds an "Export list" button to the bottom of a GridField.
An extension to GridFieldExportButton to support downloading a custom Report as a CSV file
Utility functions for the grid fields extension module.
Displays a link to an external source referenced 'external link'
GridFieldFilterHeader alters the GridField with some filtering fields in the header of each column.
Adding this class to a GridFieldConfig} of a {@link GridField adds a footer bar to that field.
Adds a "level up" link to a GridField table, which is useful when viewing hierarchical data. Requires the managed record to have a "getParent()" method or has_one relationship called "Parent".
Allows grid field rows to be re-ordered via drag and drop. Both normal data lists and many many lists can be ordered.
GridFieldPage displays a simple current page count summary.
Adds an "Print" button to the bottom or top of a GridField.
An extension to GridFieldPrintButton to support printing custom Reports
A button you can add to a GridField to export that GridField as a CSV. Should work with any sized GridField, as the export is done using a queuedjob in the background.
A special type of SS_HTTPResponse that GridFieldQueuedExportButton returns in response to the "findgridfield" action, which includes a reference to the gridfield
This class is a GridField component that adds a delete action for objects.
A base utility class for request handlers which present a grid field detail view.
This component creates a dropdown of possible page types and a button to create a new page.
Swaps the GridField Link out for the SiteTree edit link using SiteTree::CMSEditLink().
Provides a component to the GridField which shows the publish status of a page.
GridFieldSortableHeader adds column headers to a GridField that can also sort the columns.
This component provides a checkbox which when checked enables drag-and-drop re-ordering of elements displayed in a GridField
A simple header which displays column titles.
Adding this class to a GridFieldConfig} of a {@link GridField adds a header title to that field.
A button that allows a user to view readonly details of a record. This is disabled by default and intended for use in readonly GridField instances.
This class is the base class when you want to have an action that alters the state of the GridField, rendered as a button element.
Simple set of data, similar to stdClass, but without the notice-level errors.
A security group.
Imports Group records by CSV upload, as defined in GroupCsvBulkLoader.
Extension for the Group object to add subsites support
Grouped dropdown, using optgroup tags.
A list decorator that allows a list to be grouped into sub-lists by common values of a field.
Base class for HTML cleaning implementations.
Represents a large text field that contains HTML content.
Text extractor that uses php function strip_tags to get just the text. OK for indexing, not the best for readable text.
Represents a short text field that is intended to contain HTML content.
A class with HTTP-related helpers.
Class HTTPCacheControl
Check that the given class exists.
Check that the given function exists.
Subclass of DataList representing a has_many relation.
Field that generates a heading tag.
Hidden field.
DataObjects that use the Hierarchy extension can be be organised as a hierarchy, with children and parents. The most obvious example of this is SiteTree.
Classes that must be run hourly extend this class
A PHP version of TinyMCE's configuration, to allow various parameters to be configured on a site or section basis
A TinyMCE-powered WYSIWYG HTML editor field with image and link insertion and tracking capabilities. Editor fields
are created from <textarea>
tags, which are then converted with JavaScript.
Encapsulation of an oembed tag, linking to an external media source.
Encapsulation of a file which can either be a remote URL or a File on the local filesystem, exhibiting common properties such as file name or the URL.
Encapsulation of an image tag, linking to an image either internal or external to the site.
Readonly version of an HTMLEditorField.
Toolbar shared by all instances of HTMLEditorField, to avoid too much markup duplication.
Sanitises an HTMLValue so it's contents are the elements and attributes that are whitelisted using the same configuration as TinyMCE
Implements spellcheck using the hunspell library
Class HybridSessionStore_Cookie
Class HybridSessionStore_Crypto Some cryptography used for Session cookie encryption. Requires the OpenSSL PHP extension.
Iframe page type embeds an iframe of URL of choice into the page.
Represents an Image
A resized / processed Image object.
execute jobs immediately in the current request context
This DataObject replaces the SilverStripe cache as the repository for imported WorkflowDefinitions.
A class for creating new objects by the injector.
A simple injection manager that manages creating objects and injecting dependencies between them. It borrows quite a lot from ideas taken from Spring's configuration, but is adapted to the stateless PHP way of doing things.
Render a button that will submit the form its contained in through ajax.
Readonly version of InlineFormAction.
Simple controller that the installer uses to test that URL rewriting is working.
Controller that executes QUnit tests via jQuery.
Class used to handle errors for a single job
A field that lets you specify both a key AND a value for each row entry
Class LDAPAllSyncJob
Class LDAPAuthenticator
Class LDAPDebugController
Class LDAPGateway
Class LDAPGroupExtension
Class LDAPGroupMapping
Class LDAPGroupSyncTask
Class LDAPLoginForm
Class LDAPMemberExtension.
Class LDAPMemberSyncJob
Class LDAPMemberSyncTask
Class LDAPMigrateExistingMembersTask
Class LDAPSecurityController
Class LDAPService
Class LDAPUtil
Simple label, to add extra text in your forms.
An extension to dropdown field, pre-configured to list languages.
LeftAndMain is the parent class of all the two-pane views in the CMS.
Plug-ins for additional functionality in your LeftAndMain classes.
Extension to include custom page icons
Decorator designed to add subsites support to LeftAndMain
Allow overriding finished state for faux redirects.
Wrapper around objects being displayed in a tree.
Selects numerical/date content less than the input
Selects numerical/date content less than or equal to the input
Multi-line listbox field, created from a select tag.
This field lets you put an arbitrary piece of HTML into your forms.
Methods for acquiring and releasing application-level locks when using the MySQL database
Record all login attempts through the LoginForm object.
TODO: describe.
Abstract base class for a login form
Read-only complement of DropdownField.
Class Lumberjack
Known as RegisteredMethod in SS4, but renamed and un-namespaced for table name consistency in SS3.
Mailer objects are responsible for actually sending emails.
Stores manifest data in APC.
Stores manifest data in files in TEMP_DIR dir on filesystem
Same as ManifestCache_File, but stores the data as valid PHP which gets included to load This is a bit faster if you have an opcode cache installed, but slower otherwise
An extension to the default file finder with some extra filters to faciliate autoload and template manifest generation:
- Only modules with _config.php files are scanned.
Subclass of DataList representing a many_many relation.
Computes diff between sequences of strings.
The member class which represents the users of the system
Authenticator for the default "member" method
Imports member records, and checks/updates duplicates based on their 'Email' property.
Imports Member records by CSV upload, as defined in MemberCsvBulkLoader.
Log-in form for the "member" authentication method.
Keep track of users' previous passwords, so that we can check that new passwords aren't changed back to old ones.
Extends the {Member} class with additional descriptions for elements.
Class used as template to send an email saying that the password has been changed.
Class used as template to send the forgot password email
Represents a set of Groups attached to a member.
Member Validator
Rewrites plain internal HTML links into shortcode form, using existing link tracking information.
This build task helps to migrate DMS data structures from DMS 1.x to 2.x which introduces document sets.
Migrates the old Translatable datamodel introduced in SilverStripe 2.1 to the new schema introduced in SilverStripe 2.3.2.
A migration task is a build task that is reversible.
Adds an additional validation rule to Upload_Validator that attempts to detect the file extension of an uploaded file matches it's contents, which is done by detecting the MIME type and doing a fuzzy match.
Generates a three-pane UI for editing model classes, with an automatically generated search panel, tabular results and edit forms.
ModelAsController deals with mapping the initial request to the first SiteTree}/{@link ContentController pair, which are then used to handle the request.
Implements the "Money" pattern.
A form field that can save into a Money database field.
Provides logging based on monolog
Classes that must be run monthly extend this class
Represents an multi-select enumeration field.
A checkboxset that uses a multivalue field for key / val pairs
A multivalued field that uses dropdown boxes for selecting the value for each
A DB field that serialises an array before writing it to the db, and returning the array back to the end user.
A multivalued field that uses a multi choice select box for selecting the value
A text field for multivalued text entry
MySQL connector class.
This is a helper class for the SS installer.
A result-set from a MySQL database (using MySQLiConnector)
Builds a SQL query string from a SQLExpression object
Represents schema management object for MySQL
Provides a record-view for mysqli statements
Connector for MySQL using the MySQLi method
Matches on rows where the field is not equal to the given value.
This is a form decorator that lets you place a form inside another form.
A workflow action that notifies users attached to the workflow path that they have a task awaiting them.
Implements the "Null Object" pattern for a missing http request.
Specialized subclass for disabled security tokens - always returns TRUE for token checks. Use through SecurityToken::disable().
NullableField is a field that wraps other fields when you want to allow the user to specify whether the value of the field is null or not.
Text input field with validation for numeric values. Supports validating the numeric value as to the i18n::get_locale() value, or an overridden locale specific to this field.
Readonly version of a numeric field.
Format of the Oembed config. Autodiscover allows discovery of all URLs.
Set of radio buttons designed to emulate a dropdown.
Text extractor that calls pdftotext to do the conversion.
PDO driver database connector
A result-set from a PDO database.
PHPUnit is a testing framework that can be installed using Composer.
Describes an installed composer package version.
Show all pages that need to be reviewed.
Show all pages that need to be reviewed.
A decorator that wraps around a data list in order to provide pagination.
Matches textual content with a LIKE '%keyword%' construct.
Allows pluggable password encryption.
Blowfish encryption - this is the default from SilverStripe 3.
Legacy implementation for SilverStripe 2.1 - 2.3, which had a design flaw in password hashing that caused the hashes to differ between architectures due to floating point precision problems in base_convert().
Uses MySQL's OLD_PASSWORD encyrption. Requires an active DB connection.
Uses MySQL's PASSWORD encryption. Requires an active DB connection.
Cleartext passwords (used in SilverStripe 2.1).
Provides Password-Based Key Derivation Function hashing for passwords, using the provided algorithm (default is SHA512), which is NZISM compliant under version 3.2 section 17.2.
Encryption using built-in hash types in PHP.
Password input field.
This class represents a validator for member passwords.
Represents a decimal field from 0-1 containing a percentage value.
Represents a permission assigned to a group.
Shows a categorized list of available permissions (through Permission::get_codes()).
Readonly version of a PermissionCheckboxSetField - uses the same structure, but has all checkboxes disabled.
A PermissionRole represents a collection of permission codes that can be applied to groups.
A PermissionRoleCode represents a single permission code assigned to a PermissionRole.
Permission_Group class
Field for displaying phone numbers. It separates the number, the area code and optionally the country code and extension.
PHPUnit Wrapper class.
PHPUnit Wrapper class. Implements the correct behaviour for PHPUnit V3.4.
Generic PhpUnitWrapper.
Handle the X-Pjax header that AJAX responses may provide, returning the fragment, or, in the case of non-AJAX form submissions, redirecting back to the submitter.
A special ForeignKey class that handles relations with arbitrary class types
Represents a has_many list linked against a polymorphic relationship
Used to populate sample data when installing the starter or Wātea theme
PostgreSQL connector class using the PostgreSQL specific api
PostgreSQL connector class.
This is a helper class for the SS installer.
A result-set from a PostgreSQL database.
PostgreSQL schema manager
A special type Int field used for primary keys.
Transformation that will make a form printable.
Class representing printable tabsets
Task used to process the job queue
Execution time profiler.
Publishes an item
An example queued job
An example build task that publishes a bunch of pages - this demonstrates a realworld example of how the queued jobs project can be used
RedirectorPage-specific implementation.
Bare-bones impelmentation of a publishable page.
Cleans up orphaned cache files that don't belong to any current live SiteTree page.
Cleans HTML using the HTMLPurifier package http://htmlpurifier.org/
A set of utility functions used by the queued jobs module
Classes that must be run quarter hourly extend this class
Runs all jobs in a queue loop in one process
A QueuedJobDescriptor is the stored representation of a piece of work that could take a while to execute, because of which it is desireable to not have it executing in parallel to other jobs.
Handler for logging events into QueuedJob message data
A service that can be used for starting, stopping and listing queued jobs.
RSSFeed class
RSSFeed_Entry class
Generates entropy values based on strongest available methods (mcrypt_create_iv(), openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(), /dev/urandom, COM.CAPICOM.Utilities.1, mt_rand()).
Read-only field to display a non-editable value with a label.
Transformation that will turn a form into a readonly version of itself
Class RealMeAuthenticator
Class RealMeFederatedIdentity
Class RealMeMemberExtension
Class RealMeSetupTask
Class RealMeUser
A redirector page redirects when the page is visited.
Controller for the RedirectorPage.
Regenerate all cached images that have been created as the result of a manipulation method being called on a Image object
A DataList that represents a relation.
Remove expired share tokens.
Identify "orphaned" pages which point to a parent that no longer exists in a specific stage.
Reports section of the CMS.
This class is the base class of any SilverStripe object that can be used to handle HTTP requests.
Represents a request processer that delegates pre and post request handling to nested request filters
Required Fields allows you to set which fields need to be present before submitting the form. Submit an array of arguments or each field as a separate argument.
Requirements tracker for JavaScript and CSS.
Action that clears all fields on a form.
Generic RESTful server, which handles webservice access to arbitrary DataObjects.
Restful server handler for a single DataObject
Restful server handler for a SS_List
RestfulService class allows you to consume various RESTful APIs.
Adds capability to augment links with extra attributes and meta information.
A job used to delete a data object. Typically used for deletes that need to happen on a schedule, or where the delete may have some onflow affect that takes a while to finish the deletion.
Class SAMLAuthenticator
Class SAMLConfiguration
Class SAMLController
Class SAMLHelper
Class SAMLLoginForm
Class SAMLMemberExtension
Class SAMLSecurityExtension
Checks if the SMTP connection configured through PHP.ini works as expected.
Represents a list of updates / inserts made to a single row in a table
Represents a SQL query for an expression which interacts with existing rows (SELECT / DELETE / UPDATE) with a WHERE clause
Object representing a SQL DELETE query.
Abstract base class for an object representing an SQL query.
Format a SQL Query for better readable output in HTML or Plaintext.
Object representing a SQL INSERT query.
Object representing a SQL SELECT query.
Provides conversion of parameterised SQL to flattened SQL strings
Object representing a SQL SELECT query.
Object representing a SQL UPDATE query.
SQLite connector class
SQLite database controller class
A result-set from a SQLite3 database.
Builds a SQL query string from a SQLExpression object
SQLite schema manager class
This is a helper class for the SS installer.
Dummy class that filters need to extend from.
This is the parser for the SilverStripe template language. It gets called on a string and uses a php-peg parser to match that string against the language structure, building up the PHP code to execute that structure as it parses
Parses a template file with an *.ss file extension.
Defines an extra set of basic methods that can be used in templates that are not defined on sub-classes of ViewableData.
This extends SSViewer_Scope to mix in data on top of what the item provides. This can be "global" data that is scope-independant (like BaseURL), or type-specific data that is layered on top cross-cut like (like $FirstLast etc).
Special SSViewer that will process a template passed as a string, rather than a filename.
This tracks the current scope for an SSViewer instance. It has three goals:
- Handle entering & leaving sub-scopes in loops and withs
- Track Up and Top
- (As a side effect) Inject data that needs to be available globally (used to live in ViewableData)
The [api:SS_Cache]
class provides a bunch of static functions wrapping the Zend_Cache system
in something a little more easy to use with the SilverStripe config system.
A class that handles loading classes and interfaces from a class manifest instance.
A utility class which builds a manifest of all classes, interfaces and some additional items present in a directory, and caches it.
Class to facilitate command-line output.
A utility class which builds a manifest of configuration items
A utility class which builds a manifest of the statics defined in all classes, along with their access levels and values
A parser that processes a PHP file, using PHP's built in parser to get a string of tokens, then processing them to find the static class variables, their access levels & values
Allows access to config values set on classes using private statics.
A Directed Acyclic Graph - used for doing topological sorts on dependencies, such as the before/after conditions in config yaml fragments
Abstract database connectivity class.
Represents a date-time field.
A utility class that finds any files matching a set of rules that are present within a directory tree.
This class handles the converting of HTML fragments between a string and a DOMDocument based representation.
Represents a HTTP-request, including a URL that is tokenised for parsing, and a request method (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE). This is used by RequestHandler objects to decide what to do.
Represents a response returned by a controller.
A base class for decorators that wrap around a list to provide additional functionality. It passes through list methods to the underlying list implementation.
Wrapper class for a logging handler like Zend_Log which takes a message (or a map of context variables) and sends it to one or more Zend_Log_Writer_Abstract subclasses for output.
Sends an error message to an email.
Formats SS error emails with a basic layout.
Formats SS error entries in an error file log.
Writes an error message to a file.
Creates a map from an SS_List by defining a key column and a value column.
Builds a map iterator around an Iterator. Called by SS_Map
A base class for all SilverStripe objects to inherit from.
Abstract query-result class.
Base "abstract" class creating reports on your data.
SS_ReportWrapper is a base class for creating report wappers.
Sends an error message to the system log whenever an error occurs.
Handles finding templates from a stack of template manifest objects.
A class which builds a manifest of all templates present in a directory, in both modules and themes.
Necessary to call setUpOnce() and tearDownOnce() on SapphireTest classes. This feature doesn't exist in PHPUnit in the same way (setUpBeforeClass() and tearDownAfterClass() are just called statically).
Support class for converting unicode strings into a suitable 7-bit ASCII equivalent.
Extensions to Zend_Log to make it work nicer with SS_Log.
Returns information about the current site instance.
Test case class for the Sapphire framework.
Gathers details about PHPUnit2 test suites as they are been executed. This does not actually format any output but simply gathers extended information about the overall results of all suites & their tests for use elsewhere.
Light wrapper around PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite which allows to have setUp()} and {@link tearDown() methods which are called just once per suite, not once per test method in each suite/case.
An extension that can be added to objects that automatically adds scheduled execution capabilities to data objects.
A job that gets executed on a particular schedule. When it runs, it will call the onScheduledExecution method on the owning dataobject.
Abstract task representing scheudled tasks.
Manages searching of properties on one or more DataObject types, based on a given set of input parameters.
Base class for filtering implementations, which work together with SearchContext to create or amend a query for DataObject instances.
Standard basic search form which conducts a fulltext search on all SiteTree objects.
SearchIndex is the base index class. Each connector will provide a subclass of this that provides search engine specific behavior.
A search index that does nothing. Useful for testing
A search index that just records actions. Useful for testing
Some additional introspection tools that are used often by the fulltext search code
Represents a search query
Create one of these and pass as one of the values in filter or exclude to filter or exclude by a (possibly open ended) range
Provides batching of search updates
This class is responsible for capturing changes to DataObjects and triggering index updates of the resulting dirty index items.
Delete operations do not use database manipulations.
A Search Variant handles decorators and other situations where the items to reindex or search through are modified from the default state - for instance, dealing with Versioned or Subsite
Internal utility class used to hold the state of the SearchVariant::with call
Provides additional file security for uploaded files when the securefiles module is installed
Handles requests to a file path, checking if the file can be viewed given it's access settings.
Extension that allows a CMS user to define view access to a particular Folder} and the {@link Files within.
Implements a basic security model
Security section of the CMS
Describes a known security issue of an installed Composer package
Composer security checker job. Runs the task which does the check as a queuedjob.
Checks if there are any insecure dependencies.
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection for the Form class and other GET links.
A composite form field which allows users to select a folder into which files may be uploaded
Represents a number of fields which are selectable by a radio button that appears at the beginning of each item. Using CSS, you can configure the field to only display its contents if the corresponding radio button is selected. Each item is defined through SelectionGroup_Item.
Used to locate configuration for a particular named service.
Handles all manipulation of the session.
Finds DataObject instances using certain shortcodes by fulltext-querying only fields which are capable of parsing shortcodes.
A simple parser that allows you to map BBCode-like "shortcodes" to an arbitrary callback.
Renderer for showing SideReports in CMSMain
A report wrapper that makes it easier to define slightly different behaviour for side-reports.
Inject SilverStripe 'setUpOnce' and 'tearDownOnce' unittest extension methods into PHPUnit.
Utility class representing links to different views of a record for CMS authors, usually for SiteTree objects with "stage" and "live" links.
Navigator items are links that appear in the $SilverStripeNavigator bar.
Use the SilverStripe configuration system to lookup config for a particular service.
The version provider will look up configured modules and examine the composer.lock file to find the current version installed for each. This is used for the logo title in the CMS via LeftAndMain::CMSVersion()
A simple approval step that waits for any assigned user to trigger one of the relevant transitions
Extension for the SiteConfig object to add subsites support
A report listing all installed modules used in this site (from a cache).
Basic data-object representing all pages within the site tree. All page types that live within the hierarchy should inherit from this. In addition, it contains a number of static methods for querying the site tree and working with draft and published states.
Set dates at which content needs to be reviewed and provide a report and emails to alert to content needing review.
Plug-ins for additional functionality in your SiteTree classes.
Similar to RebuildStaticPagesTask, but only queues pages for republication in the StaticPagesQueue. This queue is worked off by an independent task running constantly on the server.
Adds tracking of links in any HTMLText fields which reference SiteTree or File items.
A helper object for extracting information about links.
This extension couples to the StaticallyPublishable and StaticPublishingTrigger implementations on the SiteTree objects and makes sure the actual change to SiteTree is triggered/enqueued.
Extension for the SiteTree object to add subsites support
Used to edit the SiteTree->URLSegment property, and suggest input based on the serverside rules defined through SiteTree->generateURLSegment()} and {@link URLSegmentFilter.
Readonly version of a site tree URL segment field
Content side-report listing all pages and files from all sub sites.
Provides contentreview integration for sitewide content report.
Provides subsite integration for sitewide content report.
Provides taxonomy integration for sitewide content report.
Text extractor that calls an Apache Solr instance and extracts content via the "ExtractingRequestHandler" endpoint.
Class SolrConfigStore_File
Class SolrConfigStore_POST
Class SolrConfigStore_WebDAV
Check the availability of all Solr indexes of given class.
Base class for re-indexing of solr content
Queuedjob to re-index a small group within an index.
Invokes an immediate reindex
Represents a queued task to start the reindex job
Represents a queuedjob which invokes a reindex
Base class for jobs which perform re-index
Default search index
The API for accessing the primary Solr installation, which includes both SolrService_Core, plus extra methods for interrogating, creating, reloading and getting SolrService_Core instances for Solr cores.
The API for accessing a specific core of a Solr server. Exactly the same as Apache_Solr_Service for now.
Abstract class for build tasks
Task used for both initiating a new reindex, as well as for processing incremental batches within a reindex.
Update html editor to enable spellcheck
Controller to handle requests for spellchecking
Matches textual content with a substring match from the beginning of the string.
Checks if a value starts with one of the items of in a given set.
This class responsibility is twofold: 1) Holding the data for a prioritized queue of URLs that needs to be static cached 2) Interaction with that queue
Base class that all other events inherits. Also responsible for registering and notice eventlisteners about events.
Used in the 'environmentchecks' module.
Description of StaticPagesQueueReport
An abstract base class for the string field types (i.e. Varchar and Text)
Provides a tagging interface, storing comma-delimited tags in a DataObject string field.
A file uploaded on a UserDefinedForm and attached to a single SubmittedForm.
Contents of an UserDefinedForm submission
Data received from a UserDefinedForm submission
A dynamically created subsite. SiteTree objects can now belong to a subsite.
Admin interface to manage and create Subsite instances.
Handy alternative to copying pages when creating a subsite through the UI.
Adds 'SubsiteDescription' for to show which subsites this Member has edit access to
Creates a subsite-aware version of another report.
User Security Report extension for Subsites
Section-agnostic PJAX controller.
Wraps around a TreedropdownField to add ability for temporary switching of subsite sessions.
Allows siteconfig to configure synonyms for fulltext search Requires silverstripe/fulltextsearch 1.1.1 or above
Defines a set of tabs in a form.
This is a form decorator (a class that wraps around a form) providing us with some functions to display it in a Tabular style.
A list of tags associated with blog posts.
Provides a tagging interface, storing links between tag DataObjects and a parent DataObject.
A readonly extension of TagField useful for non-editable items within the CMS.
Management interface for Taxonomies, TaxonomyTerms and TaxonomyTypes
Class TaxonomyDirectoryController
Represents a single taxonomy term. Can be re-ordered in the CMS, and the default sorting is to use the order as specified in the CMS.
Represents a type of taxonomy, which can be configured in the CMS. This can be used to group similar taxonomy terms together.
Bind TeamCity test listener. Echos messages to stdout that TeamCity interprets into the test results
Controller that executes PHPUnit tests.
Represents a test usage session of a web-app It will maintain session-state from request to request
Wrapper around SS_HTTPResponse to make it look like a SimpleHTTPResposne
Represents a variable-length string of up to 2 megabytes, designed to store raw text
Text input field.
Parses text in a variety of ways.
TextareaField creates a multi-line text field, allowing more data to be entered than a standard text field. It creates the
Cleans HTML using the Tidy package http://php.net/manual/en/book.tidy.php
Enables text extraction of file content via the Tika Rest Server
Enables text extraction of file content via the Tika CLI
Represents a column in the database with the type 'Time'.
Form field to display editable time values in an field.
The readonly class for our TimeField.
Allows visibility of a group of fields to be toggled.
ReadonlyField with added toggle-capabilities - will preview the first sentence of the contained text-value, and show the full content by a javascript-switch.
A tokenised regular expression is a parser, similar to a regular expression, that acts on tokens rather than characters. This is a crucial component of the ManifestBuilder.
The Translatable decorator allows your DataObjects to have versions in different languages, defining which fields are can be translated. Translatable can be applied to any DataObject} subclass, but is mostly used with {@link SiteTree.
Transform a formfield to a "translatable" representation, consisting of the original formfield plus a readonly-version of the original value, wrapped in a CompositeField.
Dropdown-like field that allows you to select an item from a hierarchical AJAX-expandable tree.
This formfield represents many-many joins using a tree selector shown in a dropdown styled element which can be added to any form usually in the CMS.
This is an helper object to StaticPagesQueue to hold an array of urls with priorites to be recached.
Check that a given URL is functioning, by default, the homepage.
Adds URLSegment functionality to Tags & Categories.
Filter certain characters from "URL segments" (also called "slugs"), for nicer (more SEO-friendly) URLs.
Unpublishes an item
An ArrayList that represents an unsaved relation.
Parses a composer lock file in order to cache information about the installation.
Manages uploads via HTML forms processed by PHP, uploads to Silverstripe's default upload directory, and either creates a new or uses an existing File-object for syncing with the database.
Field for uploading single or multiple files of all types, including images.
RequestHandler for actions (edit, remove, delete) on a single item (File) of the UploadField
File selection popup for attaching existing files.
Controller for the UserDefinedForm page type.
A Form can have multiply members / emails to email the submission to and custom subjects
Declares a condition that determines whether an email can be sent to a given recipient
Email that gets sent to the people listed in the Email Recipients when a submission is made.
Controller that handles requests to EmailRecipient's
Adjusts UserDefinedForm to use GridFieldQueuedExportButton instead of GridFieldExportButton (the default)
UserForms Column Clean Task
Represents a composite field group, which may contain other groups
A list of formfields which allows for iterative processing of nested composite fields
Extension to the build in SilverStripe GridField to allow for filtering SubmittedForm objects in the submissions tab by entering the value of a field
Front end composite field for userforms
Represents a page step in a form, which may contain form fields or other groups
Service to support upgrade of userforms module
Assists with upgrade of userforms to 3.0
UserForms Versioned Task
User Security Report
TreeDropdownField subclass for handling loading folders through the nested FormField} instances of the {@link FieldEditor
A class that combined as a boolean result with an optional list of error messages.
This validation class handles all form and custom form validation through the use of Required fields. It relies on javascript for client-side validation, and marking fields after server-side validation. It acts as a visitor to individual form fields.
Class Varchar represents a variable-length string of up to 255 characters, designed to store raw text
Allows global configuration of all changes
The Versioned extension allows your DataObjects to have several versions, allowing you to rollback changes and view history. An example of this is the pages used in the CMS.
An extension that adds the ability to replace files with new uploads, and view and roll back to existing versions.
An extension to automatically regenerate all cached/resampled images when an image version is changed.
Converter helpers for versioned args
Initialises the versioned stage when a request is made.
Persists versioned state between requests via querystring arguments
Represents a single version of a record.
A ViewableData object is any object that can be rendered into a template/view.
Allows you to render debug information about a ViewableData object into a template.
Virtual Page creates an instance of a page, with the same fields that the original page had, but readonly.
Controller for the virtual page.
Classes that must be run weekly extend this class
Widgets let CMS authors drag and drop small pieces of functionality into defined areas of their websites.
Represents a set of widgets shown on a page.
Special field type for selecting and configuring widgets on a page.
Add this to ContentController to enable widgets
Optional controller for every widget which has its own logic, e.g. in forms.
Adds a single WidgetArea} called "SideBar" to {@link Page classes.
A text field that accepts only valid domain names, but allows the wildcard (*) character
A workflow action describes a the 'state' a workflow can be in, and the action(s) that occur while in that state. An action can then have subsequent transitions out of the current state.
A workflow action attached to a WorkflowInstance that has been run, and is either currently running, or has finished.
DataObjects that have the WorkflowApplicable extension can have a workflow definition applied to them. At some point, the workflow definition is then triggered.
Utility class to facilitate a simple YML-import via the standard CMS ImportForm() logic.
An overall definition of a workflow
Allows workflow definitions to be exported from one SilverStripe install, ready for import into another.
Workflow definition import-specific logic.
Adds embargo period and expiry dates to content items
A form field that allows workflow actions and transitions to be edited, while showing a visual overview of the flow.
Handles requests for creating or editing actions.
Handles individual record data editing or deleting.
Handles requests for creating or editing transitions.
A WorkflowInstance is created whenever a user 'starts' a workflow.
A queued job that publishes a target after a delay.
A task that sends a reminder email to users assigned to a workflow that has not been actioned for n days.
A central point for interacting with workflows
A class that wraps around an array description of a workflow
A workflow transition.
Uses the Spyc library to parse a YAML document (see http://yaml.org).
Represents a single year field.
Classes that must be run yearly extend this class
Class used internally by Diff to actually compute the diffs.
Base-class for storage and retrieval of translated entities.
SilverStripe-variant of the "gettext" tool: Parses the string content of all PHP-files and SilverStripe templates for ocurrences of the _t() translation method. Also uses the i18nEntityProvider interface to get dynamically defined entities by executing the provideI18nEntities() method on all implementors of this interface.
Parser that scans through a template and extracts the parameters to the _t and <%t calls
Legacy writer for 2.x style persistence.
Writes files compatible with i18nRailsYamlAdapter.
An AfterCallAspect is run after a method is executed
Describes TijsVerkoyen\Akismet\Akismet
A BeforeCallAspect is run before a method is executed.
Interface to provide enough information about a record to make it previewable through the CMS. It uses the record database ID, its "frontend" and "backend" links to link up the edit form with its preview.
Apply this interface to any DBField that doesn't have a 1-1 mapping with a database field.
The Cookie_Backend interface for use with Cookie::$inst
By implementing this interface a /dev/cron will be able to start in on the expression that you return frmo getSchedule();
This interface lets us set up objects that will tell us what the current page is.
Interface DMSCartBackendInterface represents the contract for a Session Backend
Interface for a DMSDocument used in the Document Management System. A DMSDocument is create by storing a File object in an instance of the DMSInterface. All write operations on the DMSDocument create a new relation, so we never need to explicitly call the write() method on the DMSDocument DataObject
When storing a document, the DMS sucks up the file and stores it separately from the assets section.
DataObjectInterface is an interface that other data systems in your application can implement in order to behave in a manner similar to DataObject.
Interface for database helper classes.
Interface for environment checks
Interface for search rewrite handlers
Provides an interface for classes to implement their own flushing functionality whenever flush=1 is requested.
Base interface for all components that can be added to GridField.
An action is defined by two things: an action name, and zero or more named arguments.
Add a new column to the table display body, or modify existing columns.
Can modify the data list.
A GridField manipulator that provides HTML for the header/footer rows, or f or before/after the template.
A component which is used to handle when a GridField is saved into a record.
Sometimes an action isn't enough: you need to provide additional support URLs for the GridField.
Anything that implements HiddenClass won't be shown in user-interface elements. For example, DataObjects that implement HiddenClass won't be showing in the "new page" dropdown.
Interface, implementing the general PHPUnit wrapper API.
Abstract interface for a class which may be used to filter the results displayed in a nested tree
Provides an interface for checking that a link is valid
A basic caching interface that manifests use to store data.
Interface that is implemented by controllers that are designed to hand control over to another controller.
Used to let classes provide new permission codes.
Interface definition for a queued job
A request filter is an object that's executed before and after a request occurs. By returning 'false' from the preRequest method, request execution will be stopped from continuing
Represents a where condition that is dynamically generated. Maybe be stored within a list of conditions, altered, and be allowed to affect the result of the parent sql query during future execution.
Represents a SQL expression which may have field values assigned (UPDATE/INSERT Expressions)
Additional interface for SS_List classes that are filterable.
Additional interface for SS_List classes that are limitable - able to have a subset of the list extracted.
An interface that a class can implement to be treated as a list container.
Additional interface for SS_List classes that are sortable.
Class SolrConfigStore
Provides interface for queueing a solr reindex
SpamProtector base interface.
Describes an object that may wish to trigger updates in other objects as a result of it's own update.
Interface for statically publishable objects. It does not define how change is triggered, just that the implementing class has a family of URLs that it needs to maintain (urlsToCache).
Runs tasks on a queue
Interface that is implemented by any classes that want to expose a method that can be called in any scope in a template.
Interface that is implemented by any classes that want to expose a method that can be called in any scope in a template that returns values dependant on the state of the iterator of the current scope.
This interface needs to be implemented by any template parser that is used in SSViewer
Classes that implement TestOnly are only to be used during testing
Represents a field container which can iteratively process nested fields, converting it into a fieldset
Dynamically provide translatable entites for the i18n logic.
Allows serialization of entity definitions collected through i18nTextCollector into a persistent format, usually on the filesystem.
Makes the Zend_Translate_Adapter base class aware of file naming conventions within SilverStripe.
No description
No description
Generic callback to catch standard PHP runtime errors thrown by the interpreter or manually triggered with the user_error function. Any unknown error codes are treated as fatal errors.
Generic callback, to catch uncaught exceptions when they bubble up to the top of the call chain.
This method checks if a given filename exists in the include path (defined in php.ini.
Returns the temporary folder path that silverstripe should use for its cache files.
Returns as best a representation of the current username as we can glean.
No description
Increase the memory limit to the given level if it's currently too low.
Increase the time limit of this script. By default, the time will be unlimited.
Increases the XDebug parameter max_nesting_level, which limits how deep recursion can go.
No description
Set the maximum allowed value for increase_memory_limit_to().
Set the maximum allowed value for increase_timeLimit_to();
Creates a class instance by the "singleton" design pattern.
Turn a memory string, such as 512M into an actual number of bytes.
Simple exception extension so that we can tell the difference between internally raised exceptions and those thrown by DMS-Cart.
Simple exception extension so that we can tell the difference between internally raised exceptions and those thrown by DMS.
Throw this exception to register that a user doesn't have permission to do the given action and potentially redirect them to the log-in page. The exception message may be presented to the user, so it shouldn't be in nerd-speak.
PHPUnitWrapper Exception class
This is the exception raised when failing to parse a template. Note that we don't currently do any static analysis, so we can't know if the template will run, just if it's malformed. It also won't catch mistakes that still look valid.
Exception thrown when the SS_DAG class is unable to resolve sorting the DAG due to cyclic dependencies.
Error class for database exceptions
A SS_HTTPResponse encapsulated in an exception, which can interrupt the processing flow and be caught by the RequestHandler and returned to the user.
An error which should be presented to users if raised
Exception thrown by DataObject::write if validation fails. By throwing an exception rather than a user error, the exception can be caught in unit tests and as such can be used as a successful test.